The book of Haggai

The Book of Haggai

What is the book of Haggai about?

The book of Haggai tells us about the Jews who were allowed to return to Jerusalem and rebuild the temple.  Cyrus king of Persia (who conquered the Babylonians), issued a decree to allow them to return home and rebuild.  

God gives great encouragement to the Jewish people who were laboring under difficult conditions.  He reassures them that the glory of the rebuilt temple will eclipse the temple Solomon had built!

Haggai tells the people the good and bad consequences of their obedience and disobedience.  

Who wrote the book of Haggai?

The author of Haggai is Haggai himself.

Who is the audience?

The postexilic Jews living in Judah.

Timeframe Haggai was written:

Written in the year of 520 BC.  It is precise because Haggai mentions "the second year of Darius the king" (1:1), which can be verified against Persian records.

"In short" (One sentence summary):

Haggai outlines the prophet's message to the Jewish people to rebuild the temple.

Fun facts about Haggai/Did you know?

Haggai is the second shortest book in the Old Testament, not much longer than Obadiah.
The Jewish people rebuilding the temple
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