The book of Mark

The Book of Mark

What is the book of Mark about?

The book of Mark is the second of the four Gospels but is believed to be the first one written.  It is the briefest of the Gospels and stresses Jesus' actions over his teachings.  The theme of Jesus being a suffering servant with hostile doubters comes through in various narratives from Mark:


  • The Jewish leaders who want to kill him (9:31)
  • His neighbors, who take offense at Him (6:3)
  • His own family members who think He's crazy (3:21)


While Mark records fewer actual teachings of Jesus than the other Gospel writers, there is a remarkable emphasis on Jesus as a teacher.  The words "teacher," "teach" or "teaching" and "Rabbi" are applied to Jesus in Mark 39 times.

Who wrote the book of Mark?

The author of Mark is Mark himself.  He is also referred to as "John Mark" and was a missionary companion of Paul and Barnabas (cousin of Mark).  He was also an associate of the apostle Peter.

Who is the audience?

Mostly Gentile Christians, probably in the church at Rome.

Timeframe Mark was written:

Written sometime between mid-50s and late 60s AD, during the Roman persecution of Christians.

"In short" (One sentence summary):

The book of Mark encourages the readers to persevere through suffering and persecution and presents Jesus as a suffering servant of all people.

Fun facts about Mark/Did you know?

Mark's Gospel emphasizes more what Jesus did than what he said.  Mark moves quickly from one episode in Jesus' life and ministry to another.

Jesus heals a paralyzed man
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